Mardi Gras parades and celebrations are a common fixture in New Orleans, and crowds of people pack themselves into the streets to dance, sing, and have a blast.
For Officer Jones and his horse partner Ace, parades are just another time they have to be on duty. They patrol the streets watchfully, making sure that no disorder is happening and that the parade is happening safely. But this one night on Bourbon Street, even Ace needed a bit of a break from the strict role of law enforcer!

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As they come upon a group of people dancing in the street, Ace hears the TBC Brass Band on the corner playing his favorite song, “Talking”. And that’s when the mighty steed can’t hold back anymore! He stops short in the street and then breaks out into dance.

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He swings his legs back and forth, moving to the rhythm, spinning around and shaking his tail in perfect tandem with the music! Around them, paraders join in on the fun, watching as the horse dances and copying his moves. It turns into one big dance party!
Officer Jones, who has formed a very close bond with Ace over their years of service together, had no idea that this was how his horse would react, but he just rolled with it anyway! As they ride off down the street, the cheers of those watching follow them. It seems like Ace got the chance to have a fun night of dancing, just like everyone else!