Christian Johnston, 36, was babysitting a toddler in Independence, Missouri on May 6th and 7th.
The parents were shocked to see their son’s hands wrapped in gauze and socks when they came to pick him up.
Johnston had sent a text the day before saying that their son had burned his hands while reaching for some Ramen.

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But, the parents didn’t expect his injuries to be so severe – especially since Johnston had told the parents a neighbor was a doctor and could treat him.
The boy’s parents couldn’t take off the bandages because it caused their son so much pain, so they took him the nearby Children’s Hospital.

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The doctors said that the burns did not look like those someone would get from Ramen.
The boy’s injuries were consistent with someone fully submerging his hands in scalding liquid.

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Anthony De Domenico, the boy’s father said his son may have skin removed from his thighs to replace the skin on his hands.
The toddler’s mother, Haley Mitchell said that Johnston had been watching her three children for nearly a year and couldn’t believe something like this happened.

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At Johnston’s home, the police found no evidence of a spilled bowl of Ramen (the dirt on the floor showed no indications of a spill or any recent cleaning).

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Johnston was charged with endangering the welfare of a child in the first degree.
This story just goes to show you that you really can’t trust anyone these days.

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Take a look at this video
We hope the little boy feels better soon.
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