Circuses may seem like magical places on the surface, but behind the scenes, they are not so happy for the animals that live there. We, humans, have the ability to produce amazing art and music – and at the same time have the ability to harm animals in unthinkable ways. Take this circus in China.
They have a tiger on a table, and it is tied down. The tiger can’t move. As if that weren’t bad enough – they then allow people to come in and sit on the tiger – for pictures.

Image Credit: YouTube
This took place at a traveling circus in Yiyang, Hunan Province. Ashley Fruno, a senior campaigner for PETA Asia, said the name of the circus is not known. The man in the video above is telling the people that they will have fortune and luck after riding the tiger.

Image Credit: YouTube
Animals deserve dignity and respect. Tigers were not made for people to ride them. Tigers should not be forced to live like this to give people ‘luck.’

Image Credit: PETA Asia