Bullying is a worldwide problem. Children and young adults have to endure all sorts of mistreatment.
A ten-year-old boy in China had to be rushed to the ER to have his stomach pumped after some bullies forced him to eat lead from a pencil.
No one realized that anything had happened until the boy started to vomit something black at his home in Daqing, located in China’s Heilongjiang province.

Image Credit: Huanqiu.com / People’s Daily Online
After being asked by his parents, he finally told them what had happened. The boy, Liu Xinze, had to undergo a three hour surgery to get all the lead out of his body.
Stronger laws need to be in place to protect victims of bullying.

Image Credit: Huanqiu.com / People’s Daily Online
The city council in Shawano, Wisconsin is taking a stand. They have passed an ordinance that allows the police to get involved with bullying cases.
Any parent of a minor that is accused of bullying may get a warning and even a 90 day probationary period to get their child to stop bullying.

Image Credit: Huanqiu.com / People’s Daily Online