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Father Cat Lets Mama Cat Know That He Won’t Leave Her Side After Their Kids Are Born!

Being a mom (or a dad) isn’t easy – just ask one! Once you get over the pain of childbirth, the ‘real’ work begins! There are the feedings in the wee hours of the morning and stinky diaper changes. It is not a sign of weakness to ask for help. Most loving people would be willing to help you raise your child.

It is important that a mom gets her rest too! In nature, we know that the male animal usually had little to do with the young. It is up to the mom (in most cases) to raise the young. The ginger kitty you see here is a proud papa!

father cat and kittens

Image Credit: Imgur

You can almost see the goofy grin on his face! He is about to put all other male cats to shame. He was with the mother (a beautiful calico female) the entire time she gave birth. It was as if he was telling her to push.

father cat and kittens

Image Credit: Imgur

All four kittens were born without incident and are healthy!

father cat and kittens

Image Credit: Imgur

The papa cat wasn’t done yet – he cuddled with his new family!

father cat and kittens

Image Credit: Imgur