What do a circle and a cat have in common? I know what you are thinking – cats and circles have very little in common. Ordinarily, you would be correct, but not today! A circle is a shape and is often said to have no end and no beginning. A domesticated cat is an animal that belongs to the species Felis catus.
It is believed that cats were domesticated by Ancient Egyptians about 4,000 years ago, according to National Geographic. Egyptians even worshiped a cat goddess and would mummify pet cats and place a few mummified mice around them for their journey into the next world. Cats are natural born hunters that can stalk their prey and then pounce. Cats have great eyesight, acute hearing, and are nimble and agile.
But, many cat owners will also tell you that cats have some very odd behaviors too. Like how they will cry to go outside and then the second they get outside – they want back in! They will chase a tiny red dot from a laser for hours! But none of those quirks compares to what one owner discovered about his cat. His cat has a thing for circles. See this cord?

Image Credit: Mashable
The owner’s cat seems to be drawn to it – as if the circle had some magical power or maybe its own gravitational pull.

Image Credit: Mashable
The owner decided to change what the circle was made of – first, try – red tape.

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Yep, the kitty still is attracted to it.

Image Credit: Mashable

Image Credit: Mashable