One look at this poor dog and you may think that it is dead. It is not dead, yet. That is the saddest part of this story.
Nicole Johnson Snock got a call from her sister-in-law about the starving puppy.
An animal advocate and founder of Plenty of Pitties, Snock was able to find the poor creature in a trailer.

Image Credit: Pixabay
There were other sick dogs there too.
Snock’s sister-in-law had also called the police but was told there were no units that could go to the scene.
The first available unit could be there in two days – can you imagine? Snock couldn’t.

Image Credit: Denise Carey-Costa
Snock called the police back herself to explain that this was an urgent situation and she needed immediate help.
It would be against the law for her to remove the dying pup – that is what they told her. Talk about shocking.

Image Credit: Denise Carey-Costa
What would you have done in that moment? Let the pup die or break the law and try to save a life?
Snock didn’t even blink, she took the puppy out of that hell and took him home. He was covered in feces.
Snock gave him a quick bath before taking him to the vet.

Image Credit: Pixabay
She named him Job. Sadly, Job did not survive, he was too far gone.
But at least in his last moments, he knew love. Snock was never charged with a crime.
But neither were the people who were responsible for Job’s condition. Rest in Peace, Job. Humanity failed you.
Share away, people.