A normal cat has four toes on each foot and a dewclaw (which is a little higher up on the leg – think of it as the ‘thumb’). A polydactyl cat can have one or two extra toes on their paws. The opposite of polydactyly is called Syndactyly where two more toes are fused together. The most common form of syndactyly is called ectrodactyly or ‘split foot, ’ and the paw looks like a crab or lobster claw.

Image Credit: Justina Strumilaite
The condition is inherited. In humans, the condition is called “Lobster hand.” Cats with lobster claw can still run and jump and lead normal lives, according to messybeast.com.

Image Credit: Justina Strumilaite
Brownie, the cat, was born with only two toes – he has ectrodactyly. Life for Brownie was not easy. When he was really young, he stopped eating.

Image Credit: Justina Strumilaite
Over a period of several weeks, Brownie lost a lot of weight. Everyone assumed that Brownie wasn’t going to make it. Happily, he bounced back!

Image Credit: Justina Strumilaite