Bodza would often bark at his own shadow! When Bodza retired, Smith was more than happy to give him a forever home. Smith said that Bodza would follow him around everywhere.

Image Credit: Kyle Smith
Bodza was diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy in the summer of 2016. Degenerative myelopathy is an incurable disease that affected his spinal cord.
Bodza lost control of his hind limbs and was soon unable to stand or walk. Smith had to make the heartbreaking decision to have Bodza put down.

Image Credit: Kyle Smith
Smith and nine co-workers took Bodza to the Fort Bliss Vet Clinic in El Paso, Texas. If any of you have had to put a pet down – you know what Smith was feeling.

Image Credit: Kyle Smith
The pain in that moment seems unbearable. Rest easy. You and your pet will be reunited at the Rainbow Bridge.

Image Credit: Kyle Smith
Rest in Peace, Bodza. Thank you for your service. Share away, people.