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Man Struggles To Stop Cab So Woman Steps In To Help When She Realizes He’s Blind (Video)

I have heard that trying to hail a cab can be a challenging thing to do. After a Cubs game ended, Casey Spelman, 26, noticed a man trying to get a cab, but the streets were busy, and he was having a hard time. Then, Casey realized that the man was blind, so she decided that someone should help him and she did.

She approached him and asked if he wanted a cab when he said yes, Casey made sure he was a safe distance from the street and hailed a cab for him! A bystander, Ryan Hamilton, captured the random act of kindness on video and you can watch it below.

Take a look at this video

See how easy it is to be a kind human? What did Casey gain in all that? Nothing, except the knowledge that she helped someone in need! We all need to follow Casey’s example and help each other out more often.