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Animal Shelter Staff Discovers Pit Bull Mama And 10 Newborns Dumped On Their Doorstep

The shelter managed to find a foster dad who took in the whole family! The mother pit bull was very calm. She let the shelter staff handle her newborns.

dog and puppies dumped

Image Credit: Sacramento SPCA

She probably realized they were friendly people who wanted to help. Once the puppies are old enough, they will be put up for adoption.

dog and puppies dumped

Image Credit: Sacramento SPCA

Please don’t go to a pet store when you are looking for a new pet. Adopt one from the shelter.

dog and puppies dumped

Image Credit: Sacramento SPCA

Animal shelters across the country are busting at the seams. I can tell you from personal experience, that rescue dogs do indeed ROCK!

dog and puppies dumped

Image Credit: Sacramento SPCA

Visit a shelter near you to see if you can bring home a new member of the family today! Share away, people.