A horrifying act of neglect by an irresponsible dog owner resulted in the untimely and unnecessary death of a sweet and innocent pup.
Tori the dog had spent years living with the Urusov family.
The kids loved her and she was well-cared for, up until the fateful day that Alexander and Oksana, the parents of this family, made a selfish decision.

Image Credit: Siberian Times
The family was about to take a flight to Germany to visit Oksana’s family and their children, and they were bringing Tori along with them.

Image Credit: Siberian Times
But when they arrived, they were told that they didn’t have the needed paperwork for her and that she could not be boarded onto the plane.

Image Credit: Siberian Times
Alexander said he would contact a friend to pick the pup up, and walked out with Tori in her carrier bag.
But their flight would be leaving soon, and he did not want to miss it.

Image Credit: Siberian Times
So he didn’t call a friend – instead, he stashed the poor pooch in a hidden corner outside where she would not be seen, then he went back to board his flight.

Image Credit: Siberian Times
But the guilt was too much for Oksana to handle, and she posted a message on a local website about what they had done three days later.
Their children were crying and worried, and Oksana said she her family would willingly pay any fine if someone could help locate her.

Image Credit: Siberian Times
Tori had been hidden so well that animal protective services needed to ask airport security to view CCTV footage in order to find her.

Image Credit: Siberian Times
But by the time they finally got to her, it was far too late.
The freezing temperatures had reached her first, and she had frozen to death as she waited for her family to return.

Image Credit: Siberian Times
This heartbreaking story has resulted in Alexander and Oksana facing criminal charges. Sadly, there is no helping Tori any more.
Rest in peace, pup! You deserved much better than this.
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