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Because Of One Mistake People Made, 395 Unfortunate Birds Died In One Night

The best way to help prevent birds from colliding with windows is to install a decal on the window.

birds die in one night

Image Credit: Josh Henderson

That way, the birds can tell that the window is a solid surface and won’t try to fly through it. Flournoy added that the weather may have also contributed to the deaths of the birds, as it only added to the confusion.

birds die in one night

Image Credit: Josh Henderson

The birds were of different varieties, like warblers, tanagers, orioles, grosbeaks, and buntings.

birds die in one night

Image Credit: Josh Henderson

Keep in mind that this wasn’t just one building. As a community, we need to come together to prevent tragedies like this from happening.

birds die in one night

Image Credit: Josh Henderson

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