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10-Year-Old Boy Invents A Genius Device To Stop Children Dying In Hot Cars After His Neighbor’s Death

The organization, states that 718 children have died from heatstroke since 1998 – all of the children who died had been left in a vehicle.

boy and his genius device

Image Credit: N/A

Every single death was preventable. Right now, Bishop only has a 3-D clay model of the Oasis. He and his father started a GoFundMe page to help raise money to begin manufacturing the device.

boy and his genius device

Image Credit: N/A

So far they have raised over $27,000 and plan also to get the Oasis patented. At a minimum, Bishop needs to have $20,000 to start making this life-saving device. All the money raised by the GoFundMe account will be used to get this device on the market.

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