There are a lot of different animals in the animal kingdom. Some we have seen them before, some are rare and some are not even known to be exist! We would have seen them in their adult forms but not when they were babies. Check out the photos below!
Ever heard of a tree kangaroo? Here is one!

Image Credit: boredpanda
A baby fennec fox is seen running around in a desert.

Image Credit: boredpanda
This is a one of a kind octopus, a baby dumbo octopus!

Image Credit: boredpanda
A baby axolotl, what an unique creature!

Image Credit: boredpanda
Baby pangolins, the young of the pangolin are rarely seen!

Image Credit: boredpanda
A baby quoll, found only in Tasmania.

Image Credit: boredpanda
A southern pudu fawn, one of the smaller deer species.

Image Credit: boredpanda
A baby tapir, mostly seen in their adulthood.

Image Credit: boredpanda
A baby shrew, member of the rodent family.

Image Credit: boredpanda
A fluffy honduran white bat young, too cute!

Image Credit: boredpanda