The song “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” was written by Solomon Linda from the Evening Birds back in 1920. In 1939, the South African Gallo Record Company, according to Wikipedia, helped Linda record and release the song. The song was first released on a 78-rpm record, according to Wikipedia (you younger folks out there may have no idea what that is)!

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The lyrics were initially written in Zulu and were translated, adapted, and covered internationally by several pop and folk groups during the 1950s and 60s. By 1961, the song was a hit in the United States and the most familiar version of the song was done by the doo-wop group called The Tokens.

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In this video, ten men who call themselves “Straight No Chasers” (SNC) have covered that song and added dance moves to it! The group is composed of a capella singer, and the video was taken while they were on tour in New Mexico. One group member said that they did create the choreography all on their own and -well, they did an amazing job!

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SNC’s original member, Randy Stine, admits that the group does take music very seriously, but they don’t’ take themselves too seriously! After watching this clip, you will see why the group is gaining fans all across the country! Take a look at this video
They mix great music, interesting dance moves, and humor all into one amazing performance. They even tried to get a member of the audience in on the act! Share away, people!