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Retiring Officer Makes Final Call. All Of A Sudden He Hears His Son’s Voice Over The Radio…

Retirement is a mixed bag of emotions. You may feel joy that you no longer have to go to work, but you may also be sad to leave your friends and co-workers behind. When Sgt. Douglas Hogate Sr. of Salem City Police gave his last Code 3 (usually given when an officer is signing off the radio) it was an emotional sign-off.

The person who responded to the call was Hogate’s son, Douglas Hogate Jr., a 911 dispatcher. Hogate Jr. announced with great pleasure that his father was retiring after 28 years of service. Then he added that his father was the greatest man he knows. Who wouldn’t tear up after hearing that over the radio?

Watch the beautiful moment unfold below

Not only did this man have the respect of his co-workers, but he also had his son’s respect too! Not many fathers are that lucky! Thank you for your service!

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