Nubby, a puppy, was born without front legs. The veterinarian thought it would be best to put Nubby to sleep.
Nubby’s mom hadn’t rejected him, but he wasn’t able to compete or keep up with the other puppies had trouble getting to his mom to nurse.
Lou Robinson, the woman who fostered Nubby, said his siblings were sort of bullying him and that it wasn’t going to be long before he perished.
Robinson and her husband, Mark, live in Houston, Texas.

Image Credit: Lou Robinson
Lou has been rescuing animals for many years and even founded a rescue group named Warriors Educate About Rescue.

Image Credit: Lou Robinson
She teaches classes to the community about how to care for animals. The group makes a calendar that features Texas firefighters.
Here you see that Nubby no longer has to compete with anyone – for love or food! Nubby needed to be bottle fed around the clock.

Image Credit: Lou Robinson
Day after day, Nubby ate and grew and grew!

Image Credit: Lou Robinson
Finally, he opened his little eyes, and he found his voice. Then things took a turn.
Nubby wasn’t interested in eating anymore and even started blowing milk bubbles out of his nose.

Image Credit: Lou Robinson
Nubby was diagnosed with an esophageal abnormality.

Image Credit: Lou Robinson
Nubby’s esophagus had a pouch that was trapping the milk.
Nubby was given fluids and has bounced back.

Image Credit: Lou Robinson
The doctors do not know how severe his esophageal problem is, they will have to wait until he gets older to take a look.

Image Credit: Lou Robinson
Nubby is now five months old, and Robinson hopes he can help teach kids that being different is okay.
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