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Pit Bull Who Had Just Given Birth Was Found In The Rain And Man Reaches For One Of Her Pups

There was a record-breaking and disasterous storm that unfortunately hit the Southern part of California, which have stranded many humans as well as animals.

When animal rescue organization Hope For Paws received a distress call, they hopped into a vehicle, ready to help.

It involved a homeless pit bull – she had just given birth to a litter 48 hours ago!

However, the drive in the rain and aftermath of the storm was a good 3.5 hours down to where she was.

It was a miracle – the team got there on time and carefully helped the pooch and her pups onto their truck.

They then bundled them with blankets to make sure they get dry and warm, away from the bitter cold.

After a bath, some food and shelter, medical examinations showed that both the pups and their mother are healthy – and a given the green light for adoption!

Check out the video below!

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