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If Your Pets Are Pressing Their Heads Against The Wall, They Need To Visit The Vet

While seeing a pet with their head against the wall may make you think they are in ‘time-out’ – it isn’t a laughing matter.

If you ever see your pet doing this, they need to go to the vet ASAP!

This behavior is called “Head Pressing, ” and it is a huge red flag!

Head pressing is a serious medical condition – it is a sign that your pet has a damaged nervous system.

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Image Credit: N/A

This neurological damage can be caused by tumors, infections, rabies, lead poisoning, prosencephalon disease, chemical exposure, or from other health conditions.

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Image Credit: N/A

The sooner you get your pet help, the better. It can affect dogs of any age-range or breed.

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Image Credit: N/A

Other symptoms of a damaged nervous system to watch out for are pacing and circling, seizures, a change in a learned behavior, visual problems, or injuries to the face and head due to pressing the head against hard surfaces for extended time periods.

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Image Credit: N/A

Depending on the cause of the head pressing, your vet will decide the best treatment.

No treatments can be given until the correct diagnosis has been reached.

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Image Credit: N/A

Diagnosis, according to petMD, may include blood measurement tests, urinalysis, blood test (to check for lead poisoning), an exam of the retina, CT scans or an MRI.

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Image Credit: N/A

The condition may or may not require hospitalization.

Head pressing is no joke. Your pets are trying to tell you something very important with this behavior.

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Image Credit: N/A

Please spread the word to all the pet lovers in your life.

Get your pet the help they need soon so they can recover quickly!

Share away, people.