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Mom Abandons 5-Year-Old Daughter At Zoo — Witnesses See Who She Has In The Backseat

Going to the zoo can be a fun and educational experience for children.

But one mother abandoned her 5-year-old daughter at a zoo in San Francisco, California on June 5.

Witnesses saw a car stop and a little girl was pushed out of the car before it sped off! So, it wasn’t a real zoo, just a roadside attraction.

The female driver then threw some items out of the car and then drove off (there was a second child, one-year-old, in the car).

There was also a man riding a skateboard near the scene who turned out to be the girl’s father.

Thankfully, an ambulance was nearby, and they picked up the little girl.

Take a look at this video

The mother (and driver) of the car was found later, and the father of the girl was cooperating with authorities.

Thankfully, both children are now in the hands of child protective services.

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