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Heartbroken Dog Hasn’t Seen Dad In 2 Months, But Has No Idea He’s About To See Him Again

I love to see a dog be reunited with a soldier who has been serving overseas. You can tell the dog, and its owner are more than overjoyed to see each other. Miss Poppy is about to see her owner again after he was away for two months. Michael Tully, aka “Daddy” is about to walk through the door and the reaction he gets from Miss Poppy will melt your heart!

Miss Poppy’s mom is telling her that she has a surprise and Miss Poppy hears something at the door. Her ears perk up – does she already know that her Daddy is home?! Miss Poppy makes a beeline for dad and weaves between his arms yipping with joy. Her back side is wagging so much!

Take a look at this video

It is hard to tell who is more excited – Miss Poppy or Dad!

Enjoy the cuteness and share this with your friends!