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Barber Crawls Into Family’s Car To Help Autistic Teen Feel Safe During Haircut (Video)

Many of us take for granted the simple things in life. Walking, being able to hear, and getting a haircut. For people with autism, getting a haircut is sensory overload. Evan O’Dwyer, 16, has autism and needed a haircut – but things were not going well at all. He ran out of the barber shop and sat in the family van. The van was a place Evan could go and be ‘safe.’

Evans long time barber, Donncha O’Connell, calmly took his tools and went out to the van. The video, from June 4, 2017, shows just how patient O’Connell was – and how he was able to cut Evan’s hair without any problem! Evan’s brother is there to hold Evan’s hands, which helps Evan relax.

Take a look at this video

Please don’t judge people by what you see. You have no idea what is going on inside. We all have our ‘demons’ and struggles.

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