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9 Years Old’s Weight Was Making Her Sick So Her Mom Took Matters Into Her Own Hands

Millions of children struggle with obesity in America. Breanna Bond was one of them. At the age of 9, she weighed in at almost 200 pounds and was constantly bullied and called names. She’d always been heavier as a child and had issues with weight her entire life, even with an average lifestyle.

But when she began to face issues breathing, her mom decided it was time for a little enforced tough love. She got the entire family involved with a new exercise routine for Breanna. They walked four miles every day, and Breanna spent an hour and fifteen minutes on the treadmill daily. She also began to play basketball and joined the school swim team.

Breanna’s mom also started the entire family on a low-fat, no sugar diet. She made all food at home and ensured that they were healthy and delicious. Slowly, Breanna began to lose weight, and since this whole endeavor began, she’s lost 66 pounds – and she just keeps going! It’s safe to say that her mom putting her foot down paid off.

Take a look at Breanna’s incredible transformation right here, and hear what advice she has to give to others in her situation.

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