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Mom’s World Turns Upside Down After 3-Year-Old’s Tragic Accident, Now She Is Warning Others

Trampolines are a lot of fun, but not everyone can use them safely. As much fun as they seem to be for kids, young children at the ages of five and below should not play on them! Kait Ellen and her young three-year-old child Colton found this out the hard way when they went to have fun at an indoor trampoline park.

boy on trampoline

Image Credit: Kait Ellen / Facebook

They were jumping safely, each parent in a separate square and Colton in his own, when the young boy tripped and accidentally broke his femur – the largest and the strongest bone in the body.

boy on trampoline

Image Credit: Kait Ellen / Facebook

Ellen took this time to tell other parents about the danger and informed them of the medical fact that children that young should not jump on trampolines or engage in any similar activity.

boy on trampoline

Image Credit: House of Air / Flickr

Meanwhile, Colton is recovering and remains in a hip spica cast for six weeks, and he is struggling through it.

boy on trampoline

Image Credit: House of Air / Flickr