Parents have to be super careful these days with the people that their children associate with and we are not talking about people their own age, we are talking about adults.
In Pennsylvania, a 6-year old boy was raped by a 19-year old man named Sebastian Wardingo.

Image Credit: N/A
The boy’s father walked in as Wardingo was zipping up his pants, the boy was laying on the bed with his pants off.
When the police arrived, Wardingo and the boy’s father were fighting.
Windingo did admit to having had made inappropriate contact with the young boy.

Image Credit: Pixabay
The pervert was charged with involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, child rape, and others.
As you can imagine once word of this story got out many people were horrified.
Some people, according to the MommyPage, left comments when they read the story on Crime Watch Daily’s Facebook page.

Image Credit: Pixabay
Several people said that they wouldn’t have called the police, they would have shot Wardingo!
I don’t know, crime is bad enough, we don’t have to go around killing people.
Let Wardingo rot in prison for a while. This is the world we live in today.

Image Credit: Pixabay
Crime is real, and it happens every day. I am disgusted and saddened when I hear stories like this.
While Wardingo is the perpetrator, in this case, it is likely he was molested or raped as a young boy too. The cycle of abuse continues.
Share away, people.