At the time of her death, Sabrina Ray weighed only 56 pounds.
Her adoptive parents, Misty and Marc Ray, and adoptive brother Justin, 16, have all been arrested.
Court documents indicated that Justin would ‘drop-kick’ his sister down the stairs.
Sabrina had suffered severe injuries and couldn’t eat or drink, walk, or talk because of it.

Image Credit: Police Handout
KCCI reported that the abuse happened between March 1 and May 12.
Josie Bousman, 20, who is Marc and Misty’s niece was also arrested and charged with three counts of helping and encouraging as well as first-degree kidnapping.

Image Credit: Police Handout
The court documents showed that Josie had admitted to keeping Sabrina and two other girls in the family’s home and even played a role in denying Sabrina food and water.

Image Credit: KCC18
If that wasn’t bad enough, Sabrina’s adoptive grandmother, Carla Raye Bousman, was charged with one count of helping and encouraging child endangerment causing death (and others).

Image Credit: N/A
Carla was responsible for confining the two girls and Sabrina in the family’s home. This story just makes my heart sad.
It wasn’t just one family member – it was the entire family! They all played a role in the death of a young girl.

Image Credit: N/A
Marc and Misty are being held on $1 million-dollar cash bonds. They should never be allowed out of prison.
I thought people who were allowed to adopt children had background checks and had been vetted through the system!

Image Credit: N/A
This goes to show us that that system isn’t working.
Rest in Peace, Sabrina.
Share away, people.