The hefty pig glanced over the edge, readied himself, and took a jump onto the highway. He rolled over awkwardly on the road a few times, bouncing around, before he came to a stop.
Then, as though it had been nothing, he stood up and shook off the fall before walking over and plonking down on the median strip.

Image Credit: SoulSpace Farm Sanctuary / Facebook
Thankfully, the lack of cars on the road meant Wally was safe, but there were enough people for someone to alert the humane society. It was then that the SoulSpace Farm Sanctuary arrived to pick him up!

Image Credit: SoulSpace Farm Sanctuary / Facebook
Wally now has lots of friends and a space of his own, and he finally has a home after his near-death experience. It’s crazy how one risky attempt at escape managed to get him all the way here!

Image Credit: SoulSpace Farm Sanctuary / Facebook
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