Did you ever notice how something as simple as a hug can make you feel better?
Five-year-old Jayden woke up crying during the night last September. The helicopters and siren noise woke him up – it was very loud and scary.
Jayden and his mom, Deanna Hooker, live in Charlotte, North Carolina and there was some civil unrest following the shooting death a man named of Keith Lamont Scott, 43.
The next morning, as Deanna was driving Jayden to school, they heard on the radio that some police officers had been hurt.
Jayden wanted to help the other police officers feel better. Deanna shared her son’s reaction to the violence on the website Love What Matters.
So, Jayden and his mom got some doughnuts and made a sign.
Jayden’s sign said “Free Hugs, ” and he put it around his neck and walked into the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department.

Image Credit: KGO via WPVI
WPVI reported that Jayden told the officers he wanted them to be safe.
He gave them hugs so that they were not scared. Many officers were in tears.
What an incredible act of kindness and love. Jayden didn’t know any of these officers.

Image Credit: KGO via WPVI
He did know that they were probably sad after their friends got hurt. Deanna wrote that this was what the world needs – love. I agree.
Share this story with everyone. It has already gotten a lot of attention, but we can do better!

Image Credit: KGO via WPVI
Deanna is raising one amazing young man – that is something every parent should strive to do!
Share away, people!