Some people, I will just never understand. Ever. A woman from Kidderminster, Worcestershire owns a horse named Thor.
Sadly, the woman has no idea how to take care of a horse – or she did know how and was doing a really, really bad job.
Charlotte McPherson, 22, brought Thor, a 10-year-old horse, to a riding event in March in Bissell Wood, Blakedown.

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Horse lovers saw Thor and knew something wasn’t right. McPherson tried to hide his condition, by covering his hind end with a blanket.
But people were able to see through it all and realized that Thor was weak and very malnourished.

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Once the suspicions started on social media, RSPCA inspector Suzi Smith took a look at the photos.
Everyone was shocked to see the real condition of Thor.

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He was in such bad shape from lack of proper food that you could see almost every bone in his body, and he was full of worms.
The vet show examined Thor gave him a score of zero out of five – which is the lowest and worst score a horse can have.

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Despite his poor condition, McPherson rode him two times a week.
She did this even though he had a sore on his spine under where the saddle goes which probably caused him a lot of pain when she rode.

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Thor away from McPherson and given medical treatment. Happily, Thor has bounced back and is on the way to a more happy and healthy life.
As for McPherson, she now faces two counts of animal cruelty.

Image Credit: Caters
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