Our families love us no matter what – right? Well, yes and no! Sometimes they won’t tell you how they feel to spare your feelings. The grandmother in this story had a bone to pick with her grandson, Tyler – and she shared it! Not sure she expected the story to go viral though! The grandmother had gone to Kroger to get some yogurt-covered cranberries and got some assistance from Nathaniel Hunter, a Kroger employee.

Image Credit: N/A
The woman was so pleased with the help she got from Nathaniel, she wrote a letter about it! The letter was then posted on the “Customer Comment of the Week” poster in the front of the store! Have a read, have a laugh, and share!

Image Credit: N/A
Just from what I read here, it isn’t likely that Tyler will get the message. Oh well, at least Nathaniel treated the grandmother well! Share away, people.