A man and his son from Toledo, Ohio raped a teenage girl for three years. The girl managed to escaped last year.
Esten Ciboro, 27, and his dad Timothy Ciboro, 52, do not believe in the law. They simply said that only the Bible can judge their actions.
I am not Bible scholar, but I am pretty sure holding a girl captive and raping her isn’t condoned in the Bible.

Image Credit: Toledo Police Department
Here on earth, men (and women) are judged by the law. So, until they meet their ‘maker’ – Esten and Timothy will be judged by the law. The girl was Timothy’s stepdaughter.

Image Credit: Toledo Police Department
She had been shackled in the basement of the family home and repeatedly raped for three years.
The elder Ciboro told the court that he and his son will use God’s word to ask questions that are vital to their case.

Image Credit: Toledo Blade
Judge Linda Jennings will allow the two to carry their Bible into court with them, but they will not be allowed to use the book when questioning witnesses.
Judge Jennings realizes the Bible is an important book but said that it is not a book of law.

Image Credit: Toledo Blade
Both men have been charged with kidnapping, rape, and endangering children. The girl was held captive from 2012 and 2015.
At 13-years of age, she finally managed to escape when Esten and Timothy went out for a run.

Image Credit: Google Maps
When the girl was found wandering the streets, she told authorities that her mother had abandoned her and went to Las Vegas.
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