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2-Year-Old Girl Dies Of Hypothermia After Parents Left Her Outside In The Freezing Cold

Winter’s freezing cold weather can be unforgiving.

It’s intolerable to stay outside for a few minutes outside even when you’re practically wrapped in layers of thick clothes.

The chances of getting sick during this season are so high that people would rather stay indoors, in the comforts of a warmer bed or couch.

But a family in Akron, Ohio weren’t so careful about preventing their child from wandering about in the cold.

She ended up freezing dead on their front porch.

Tierra M. Williams, 22, left her daughter to the care of her partner and the toddler’s dad, Dariaun D. Parker, 24, because she needed to do an errand for the family.

Parker, however, was too beat and tired from the night before that he was not in the best shape to look after a 2-year-old.

2-Year-Old Girl Dies Of Hypothermia

Parker had been spending the night “recording” his music since he was an aspiring singer.

So, instead of looking after their daughter, Wynter, Parker went to sleep and did not see the 2-year-old going out the door.

Wynter slipped out and was estimated to have been there for at least two hours because that’s how long Williams was gone.

When Williams got home, she was shocked to see her daughter on the front porch and her body was lifeless and stone cold.

2-Year-Old Girl Dies Of Hypothermia

Williams called 911 for help.

She screamed on the phone that her daughter has been frozen.

But when the paramedics arrived it had been too late since Wynter’s life could not be saved.

Police charged the couple with child endangerment.

They pleaded guilty in court but it has to be said that this wasn’t the first time Williams and Parker had their child unsupervised.

A neighbor testified that she had told the couple many times not to let the little girl outside of the house on her own.

The police have also gone to their house a couple of times because neighbors called on the couple when they see their kids outside without adult supervision.

The couple also has a 4-year-old boy.

2-Year-Old Girl Dies Of Hypothermia

During their sentencing, the judge said that she had a hard time figuring out who must be blamed for the girl’s death.

In the end, however, the judge decided that both the parents were responsible.

They were sentenced to be in prison for 18 months (Williams) and two years (Parker).

Williams reacted badly to the judge’s sentence but the decision was actually lenient as child endangerment cases in Ohio carry up three years of prison time.

The baby’s mother should be at least grateful that her sentence was shorter.

According to the National Weather Service, it takes just 10 minutes for anyone to freeze to death when they venture outside in cold temperature.

The weather between January and February is the harshest because aside from the snowfall, there’s also the wind chill temperature to contend with.

2-Year-Old Girl Dies Of Hypothermia

Wynter died and her parents were sentenced to prison the month after.

For a human to survive these months snow and icy weather, it’s important to be bundled up from head to toe.