Every now and again, a tragic incident occurs that reminds us of the dangers of drunk driving. This isn’t the first time, by a long shot, that we’ve talked about this, but it needs to be said: if you’ve been drinking, you shouldn’t drive, as it endangers your life and the lives of those around you. A paramedic in San Diego wrote a post after witnessing and arriving at the scene of a horrifying incident that was a result of this thoughtless and careless behavior.
This paramedic arrived at the accident and was greeted by the site of a woman, seated on the side of the road, holding the body of her son which had been decapitated. Covered in blood, this woman barely cared about the gruesomeness of the scene – she was repeatedly attempting to replace his head onto his body.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons
Meanwhile, a man dashed towards the paramedic, holding the body of his seven-year-old daughter, which he immediately passed to the paramedic. The medical attendees attempted to revive the girl, but failed, and she passed away.

Image Credit: Wikipedia