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Mom Puts Baby Up For Adoption 37 Years Later Her Daughter Opens Up A Letter…

In 1978, when Jen was a newborn she was put up for adoption. She was adopted by her new forever family three months later. When Jen turned seven, she learned that she had been adopted, it was a shock and disappointment. Jen decided that she needed to know who her biological mother was and wanted to meet her. In 2015, she got finally tracked down her mother and tried to reach out to her, but her letters were always returned – unopened.

How heartbreaking would that be? Jen wasn’t willing to accept her birth mother’s silence and pursued the issue. When she found out why her birth mother was refusing to open the letters, everything fell into place. Watch the video below to learn why Jen’s mother didn’t open her letters. Never fear, there is a happy ending to this story! “Fear cuts deeper than a sword” (quote from Game of Thrones).

Take a look at this video

Did this tear you up? It teared me up for sure!

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