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Man Helps An Injured Female Duck In Need And Falls In Love

Have you ever rescued an animal on your way to the grocery store or on your way home?

It takes time and patience to care for a frightened animal, especially out in the chilly wind and bitter cold.

In Pennsylvania, a couple who went out shopping for groceries in the middle of winter noticed something trembling at the back of their car.

The man got out and took a long, hard look. It was a duck!

The female Mallard duck was unable to move due to the cold.

It was stuck there for good – with no one to help it till the couple noticed it.

Image Credit: DedcelDesigns / imgur

The rescuer’s girlfriend came out of the car with a towel, and wrapped the duck up.

The towel helped greatly to keep the duck warm.

Image Credit: DedcelDesigns / imgur

The duck was incredibly shaken.

Despite the rescuer’s girlfriend’s endless phone calls in a bid to contact the local gaming commission, no one answered.

Image Credit: DedcelDesigns / imgur

The first call to 911 was a no-show – despite the operator promising that someone would come to the duck’s aid, no one came.

As a result, the couple could only wait.

Image Credit: DedcelDesigns / imgur

The second dial to the local 911 told the couple that a representative from the gaming commission would pick the duck up the next morning.

The couple are now left to care for the duck until help arrives.

This is when they decided to name her Mally.

Image Credit: DedcelDesigns / imgur

Mally and her rescuer shared a tender moment while they ‘warmed up’ in the car.

Image Credit: DedcelDesigns / imgur

Unfortunately, Mally the Mallard could not stay with her rescuer – he was a cat lover!

His cats would be certainly an unwelcoming factor for the skittish bird.

Thus, she was left in the care of a local gaming commission, where he knew that Mally would be well taken care of.

Image Credit: DedcelDesigns / imgur

Needless to say, Mally was sad to say goodbye to her rescuer.

She was so thankful for his help.

Image Credit: DedcelDesigns / imgur

Leaving a mark on her rescuer’s jacket was all she could do to imprint the memory of her on him, however – isn’t this unexpected of a duck to do so?

Rescuing animals like Mally is indeed, a true sign of kindness!

Image Credit: DedcelDesigns / imgur

Wasn’t this a great turn of events?

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