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Homeless Man Tells Cop He Needs Hot Shower. Cop’s Act Of Kindness Is Going Viral

Police officer Aaron Page met a homeless man in Rome, New York. The homeless man, Bobby, chatted amiably with the officer and casually mentioned how much he needed a nice, hot shower. Office Page told Bobby he could have that shower if he came to the police precinct the next day. But nothing could have prepared Bobby for what actually happened when he arrived.

He not only got a shower – he was completely transformed! Bobby got clean clothes, a haircut, and a shave! Officer Page was not the only officer who showed Bobby kindness and respect. The segment below comes to us from “Inside Edition, ” and it was posted on April 25, 2017.

Take a look at this video

It is just another example of how a little bit of human kindness can change the world! We need more of these stories to come out!

If you have an uplifting story share it – share the love!