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Boy Decided To Bully A Girl In The Middle Of School, Had No Idea She’s Trained In Self-Defense

A girl attending a high school located in Bakersfield, California has just exhibited girl power – by standing up to a cyberbully who also verbally attacked her – with MMA-like moves of her own!

The fight was recorded by another student during the smack-down.

It went viral after Kit Dale, a fighter known for his impressive moves in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, re-posted the video on his official Facebook page.

Applauding the girl’s effort in fighting back against bullies, he also took the chance to express the importance of self-defense.

However, the fight ended unfairly.

For her rash actions, the girl was suspended from school.

The victim had to continue attending school with a black eye, though!

Take a look at the video below!

That will teach boys not to underestimate us females!

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